

I’m being boycotted by a tiny animal that weighs less than a marshmallow. All of “my” hummingbirds that have graced my backyard feeders for the past three years are noticeably absent this year. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t that I’m not offering the same amenities that were there before. In fact, there’s more now! …

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Free Bird!

It’s almost hummingbird season! These amazing creatures spend their winter in Central America and migrate back into the United States in April. Then there are those lucky bastards in California and southern Florida that get to enjoy them year round. Well not me. Not where I live. Mine don’t show up until mid-April and it’s …

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Blog 2.0

I had a blog once before. For about two minutes. I think I made the initial post, and that was really only intended to be a space saver, then I never went back. Why is that? Why is it that so many people start things and never finish them? For me, I think it was …

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